Ortiz Landscaping

Ortiz Landscaping

Gardening and Landscaping in San Jose, CA

Gardening and Landscaping

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San Jose , CA 95127 UNITED STATES

About Ortiz Landscaping

Ortiz Landscaping in San Jose, CA offers tree trimming, removal, stump grinding, yard cleaning, mulch, sod installation, hardscape, and more. Ask about our discounts!

We serve in San Jose, CA, Burbank CA; Fairview CA; Los Altos Hills Town CA; Atherton Town CA; San Martin CA; and the surrounding areas.

Landscaping, Landscaping Contractor, Tree Trimming Service, Mulching Service, Yard Cleaning Service
Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Yard Cleaning, Winter Grass Removal, Fall Clean-Up, Mulch, Sod Installation, Hardscape, Pavers, Aerating, Brush Chipping


Ortiz Landscaping 669-314-4035
San Jose , CA 95127 UNITED STATES
Ortiz Landscaping

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Ortiz Landscaping
Gardening and Landscaping
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Ortiz Landscaping

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